
Diffuser Young Living Orb

$160.00 /per case ($20 each)

Great for travel or work! The compact design makes the USB Diffuser suitable anywhere you use you computer. Simply add water to the base, pre-soak an enclosed cotton cartridge with water, add 5 drops of essential Oil and insert it into the cover. Plug the USB cord into your computer & the oil is converted into a micro-line, aromatherapy mist.

  • 1 Case (8 Units) Diffuser Young Living Orb

Great for travel or work! The compact design makes the USB Diffuser suitable anywhere you use you computer. Simply add water to the base, pre-soak an enclosed cotton cartridge with water, add 5 drops of essential Oil and insert it into the cover. Plug the USB cord into your computer & the oil is converted into a micro-line, aromatherapy mist.

1 Case (8 Units) Diffuser Young Living Orb

SKU: 5227


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Diffuser Young Living Orb

$160.00 /per case ($20 each)

Great for travel or work! The compact design makes the USB Diffuser suitable anywhere you use you computer. Simply add water to the base, pre-soak an enclosed cotton cartridge with water, add 5 drops of essential Oil and insert it into the cover. Plug the USB cord into your computer & the oil is converted into a micro-line, aromatherapy mist.

  • 1 Case (8 Units) Diffuser Young Living Orb

Great for travel or work! The compact design makes the USB Diffuser suitable anywhere you use you computer. Simply add water to the base, pre-soak an enclosed cotton cartridge with water, add 5 drops of essential Oil and insert it into the cover. Plug the USB cord into your computer & the oil is converted into a micro-line, aromatherapy mist.

1 Case (8 Units) Diffuser Young Living Orb

SKU: 5227


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