There’s no denying that massages are some of the most requested spa and wellness services. I understand all of the attraction. Having a long background in the industry, I’ve been fortunate to have had countless massages by some very talented technicians. Massage and body services remain high on my personal list for finding relaxation and stress-relief. As massage continues to increase in demand, so does the competition. Many businesses have responded by setting themselves apart using the finest products, addressing every detail and customizing treatments on multiple levels.Diffusing is more cost-effective than the oil blending method. Only about two drops of essential oil are needed for an hour treatment. Compare to the 10 -15 drops that are normally used when mixed in with massage oil. An aromatherapy enhancement by diffusing can be offered complimentary or as a paid addition.
- Aromatherapy enhancement while providing body wraps/ scrubs and facials
- Calming scents during hair removal services or cosmetic treatments
- Combat less-than-pleasant nail and hair chemical service odors
- Heavenly scents at the front desk, hallways and lounge areas
- Fan diffusers in the bathroom and locker rooms
- Retail GreenAir diffusers
- Increase service sales with aromatherapy
- Raise retention rates by personalizing treatments
- Beautiful pieces that complement your space like gorgeous hand-blown glass, real bamboo, and hand-crafted ceramic and metal
- Easy to use and change scents
- Uses natural essential oils and not artificial fragrance
- No. 1 diffuser manufacturer in the world
- 1 year guarantee on all of our diffusers
- Your guests never need to return a product
- We use BPA free medical grade plastic in our bases where essential oils are placed